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Home Remolding

Are you planning to renovate your house? A.K Azad Construction LLC is the right choice. We mA.Ke use of quality materials to ensure that your remodeling project is done according to your specifications. Beginning a remodeling project can be overwhelming and stressful. Our team enjoys developing relationships with our clients so that we can ease their concerns and provide guidance along the way. Professionalism, personal attention, timeliness and cleanliness are some of the adjectives our past clients have used to describe their experiences with us.
Every project is different; however, the basic elements of successful remodels are all the same. Our team is experienced and happy to meet you where you are and help with any or all portions of the Design, Selection, and Implementation processes of remodeling your home.
With over years of experience in renovations we are ready to hear your ideas, answer your questions and help you with your next steps to achieving your goals whether they be updating, complete remodeling or aging in place.
Send us a message on or call us on 718-208- 0051 for a quote.
All inquiries will be responded to within 24 hours.
